The Rewriter's Room

D.A.R.E. to Dream **SEASON PREMIER**

July 19, 2021 The Rewriter's Room Season 3 Episode 1

In the first episode of the third season of The Rewriter's Room we jump right in and tackle some difficult questions that will guide us on our journey throughout the entirety of the season to come! Mostly; can you hold this gun real quick? But also; do you have Imperial Stick-to-itiveness? Either way, you should definitely pull up a chair, have a seat, and yeah, they've assured me that the paint smell will go away in just a few weeks. 

 --- Find all of The Rewriter's Room links you could dream of at --- Jam out with Alex's Band on Instagram @thewaytheworldends210 --- And much thanks to T.C. Costello for our intro song -